Chemical pesticide consumption is linked to a variety of diseases and disorders namely cancers, digestive dysfunctions, headaches, ADHD, birth defects, weakened immune system, and even premature death. That is why pesticide-free foods are preferable for attaining better overall health. Over the last few years, many countries have raised their concern for the increasing pesticide residue in Basmati Rice from India and have adopted strict compliance with Maximum Residual Level (MRLs).
In an effort to achieve total compliance with EU Maximum Residual Level (MRLs), Basmati Rice Exporters and Basmati Rice Growers in the state of Punjab and Haryana are now working together to reduce the use of pesticides.
The state Govt. has also instructed the pesticides companies to strictly comply with the norms and not to push the sale of banned pesticides for the Basmati crop. Farmers have also welcomed the joint initiatives of Exporters and the Govt. as they were always lacking the precise knowledge on pesticide usage and they will be saving at input cost as well.
In this endeavor, Sulson Overseas has taken the lead and has made available Pesticide-free Basmati Rice from India.

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